Thursday, October 15, 2009

1st off, the Southwest Sunset took second place in it's category in the guild challenge. Yeah!!!

Another week down and more photos..woohoo. So last Friday one of my school kids asked if I'd make a flag for them for the pep assembly, football and basketball games....So I told them if they designed it up I'd get it done...So they gave me the plan on Monday (my 13th anniversary) and it needed finished today so that it is ready for the assembly tomorrow....And voila' it is done.

Now tomorrow I have to prep for the Miami Universery conference on Asian studies on Saturday. Then back to the spiders for my house and the inner light project.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hey lookie here...another post and it's only been a week. Woo hoo me. So busy week really felt beat down at work but made up for it with quilting. Made for of these halloween spiders. Really cute pattern thinking of applying it to several other ideas. Jon and I are going out here in a little bit. Celebrating our 13 Anniversary on Monday. My but time flies. Guild Challenge show is Tuesday..we'll see how my quilt holds up to the competition. Peace.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hey, look at me..two posts in two weeks.....what's up with that?? Here are pics of the Maimi Valley Quilters' Guild challenge. They gave us a picture taken in nature and we had to take colors from it for the quilt. Hope you like it.

I added yarn on the green points, free motioned in gold thread overtop of it. It is a pinapple star block, then I designed the corners and mid line so that I didn't have any Y seems to deal with..that was kinda nice. Added rhinestones on the dividing line of the purples and on yellow diamonds and in the center on the design. So there is a little bling too. So tell me what'ca think.