Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hey lookie there

Three posts in one day....I'm insane. Well to me after retreat next month. Not sure where the time goes but I've still gotta get stuff together for the retreat demos I'm doing next month with angelina and paint I'm thinking I might try to do some tyvek too.....I need days that are 36 hours long but only feel like 12, with no homework to grade or lesson plans to make so I can come home and play ;0) Who doesn't right?

These are pics of a blue block swap some friend of mine and I did. Kris came up with the idea to look at value and see what we came up with(could only use blues) Then lotto the whole lot off with one lotto ticket for each block entered. I didn't win but hey had the chance to play and get away from the ho hum was good. The quilt should turn out pretty good when Bonnie gets done with it.

Other things I've been working on

I said I'd try to post more and here are two in one day. WOW. We had the day off of school since we got 2" of sleety stuff with freezing rain on top last night and about 7" of snow on top of that today. Here are some thing from last fall which should have gotten posted, but didn't. This was my sister's birthday present. She likes the Laurel Burch cats so she got a bag for hauling all her school stuff and change purse for lunch money.

It is DONE!!!

Well, IT is finally done!!

"IT" being the Indian Orange Peel started (God help me) last year. Now admitedly I was not working on it all year. Seemed like I kept finding other things to work on. In part, I think, because I found it a little daunting. In large part because I hate to screw things up and there was a lot of time and work in the pieces... did you notice that there are rings of color around each center?? The picture doesn't do it justice..and then to get those pieces to fit..hummm. I must admit to being very disapointed in the instructions for the project. It is a Karen Stone project. And she is a very talented quilter...but dang. The instructions for this whole quilt where contained on two sides of one piece of paper!!. She had more info on the paper piecing then on putting the border together, which for me was the crux of the project. Here you have all these oddly shapped arcs and curves and she give absolutly NO suggestions for getting those to go together. Or suggestions like baste before sewing and make sure all the alignement is correct. Or how to line things up so they go where they are supposed to...... But even though It was not done by New Years eve like I wanted...all said and done I am fairly please. It's not perfect, but then neither am I so I guess that's cool. I like the colors. I like that it came from the stash....I am now facing the daunting thought of quilting the thing......Aye Vay. All those seams are going to make things interesting. Now that is a whole 'nother thing.....
I'm going to work on posting more often this year. Hey, it's a goal. Don't laugh. But if you do want to laugh, check out the comedy of Jeff Dunham. He is a HOOT!!! Just thinking about Achmed makes me laugh. Piece.