Sunday, December 27, 2009

What will the New Year Bring?

Well, what will the new year bring? I'm actually looking forward to this next year. There's lots of new opportunities on the horizon. I officially start my new guild position as Vice President and Programs Director in January. The current VP has the callendar set for 2010. Now I have the pleasure of finding great talent to visit and share with the guild for 2011 and 2012. Big shoes to fill but looking forward to the challenge. I've gotten all sorts of ideas from people on Quiltarts Digest and I'm looking forward into researching them and getting my own calandar together.
Speaking of challenges. I have joined Sue's group at 3 Creative Studios in starting the Quilt Challenge for 2010. It's just the push I need to keep me posting to this blog in a timely fashion so Irene and others will be kept updated ;0). That and I'll actually put myself on my schedule and set time aside for me to take care of me. Sometimes just too much is going on and I need to make time for me. I am learning to get over the guilty feelings of doing stuff for me instead of the dishes or vaccuming...after all if I'm cooking why shouldn't DH do a little cleaning??
And then there is the chance that I might get to go to China next summer. I'm almost afraid of jinxing it. I was accepted into the NCTA progam at Miami University last spring. It is a seminar on getting Asian studies into the classroom. So I've been extemely tied up in getting that going and integrating it into the classroom. Well participants are eligible to apply to go on a teachers education trip to China for three weeks next summer. I'm going to apply. I think I have a decent shot at it so will keep my fingers crossed and get my paperwork done here in the next week. I think it will be a great opportunity to learn more about China and give me even more ways of teaching my students.
I don't usually make New Years resoutions, would hate the guilt associated with not doing them. So I'm going to take a page from my own playbook with my kids and create a goal sheet for myself.
My Goals for 2010
1. I will be true to myself and my family.
2. I will put myself at the top of my list of things to do.
3. I will visit my friends more.
4. I'll laugh more.
5. I'm going to get those juices flowing and get creative.
6. I'm going to stop sweating the small stuff...after all its all small stuff.
7. I'm going to get organized and remove the clutter (I know, I know....who am I and what did
I do with Lesa)
8. I'm going to do (finish) the Chistmas projects before Easter so I won't need to stress November and December.
9. I'm going to challenge myself to read 30 minutes a day, exercise 30 minutes a day and quilt
30 minutes a day. And sleep at least 6 hours a day. (In no particular order ;0))
10. I'm going to be the best I can be without guilt or remorse......... I can only do what I can do.

To everyone I wish you the best, most wonderful New Year ever. Peace, Love and Prosperity.


Unknown said...

Great list gf and i'm gonna hold you to it! :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!