Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hey lookie there

Three posts in one day....I'm insane. Well to me after retreat next month. Not sure where the time goes but I've still gotta get stuff together for the retreat demos I'm doing next month with angelina and paint I'm thinking I might try to do some tyvek too.....I need days that are 36 hours long but only feel like 12, with no homework to grade or lesson plans to make so I can come home and play ;0) Who doesn't right?

These are pics of a blue block swap some friend of mine and I did. Kris came up with the idea to look at value and see what we came up with(could only use blues) Then lotto the whole lot off with one lotto ticket for each block entered. I didn't win but hey had the chance to play and get away from the ho hum was good. The quilt should turn out pretty good when Bonnie gets done with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are all really beautiful. Great Work !!